About Us

98% + Variance Success Rate
A testament to our approach with code review, respect for local building and fire officials and the detail we review our client’s projects.

We have provided a variety of building consulting services across the continental United States.

In collaboration with licensing boards, facilitates the licensure and credentialing of architects to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public.

We are fully trained with specialized certifications in many areas of architectural and code consulting matters.
More Than Code Review Services
Get the Consulting Support You Need
We are not just another Architectural Consulting Company… We Give You More Value!
In addition to standard Building Code review services, we also provide complete project management and will act as your trusted advisor every step of the way.
We have provided services to major corporations for ADA/Accessibility review of their existing facilities. This includes restrooms, furniture layout, building access/egress, elevators, overall compliance, site access and maneuverability, public access, corporate equipment and access to restaurant/dining facilities. We have helped develop a program that combines this information in conjunction with the overall building codes in order to ensure they have a way to address their facilities and prioritize and plan expenditures to help them adjust their buildings to eliminate the possibilities of future lawsuits.
Specializing in Building Codes & Compliance
Reviewing your projects to the standards required by your state and local jurisdiction. We have reviewed projects across the United States.

Professional Affiliations

Meet the Architect

Scott has a passion for Architecture that’s been growing since the age of seven. While he enjoys design, he focuses on all facets of a project in order to help provide solutions for the challenges brought to him by his clients. His focus for Arx 360 is to find these solutions for his clients which add value to their investments, their organizations and their lives, as well as saving time and money.
As an entrepreneur, Scott has created and lead various firms, business units and large teams over a successful 34+ year career. In 2011, Scott envisioned Arx 360 as a valuable asset for his clients…not as just another consultant. Whether it is helping his clients problem solve design issues, develop code or variance strategies, or help maintain quality control to help fulfill their project desires or protecting them during the construction process…ensuring their project is moving forward correctly.
A Registered Architect in several states, and former Indiana State Building Commissioner, Scott has over 30 years of experience in both private and public projects. With projects from small residential homes to $52 million in construction, Scott does not shirk away from any challenge for his clients. He has spent endless hours in training new aspects of construction, codes and standards, all with the goal of helping further his clients desires.
Registered Architect:
NCARB Certificate : 45893
Indiana :AR1950095
Ohio : ARC.0213420
Kentucky : 5437
Missouri : 2002010496
Tennessee : 106563
Pennsylvania : RA409095
Texas : 28659
South Carolina : 10501